Sunday, May 4, 2008

Back at home in the Abyss

For those of you who don't know me, I've just recently returned to the local area after living out in Houston, TX from late May through October 1st. I had originally thought that a move out west (for a new job) would be a good thing for my family and me, I quickly learned that not all that glitters is gold, and so now I'm back.
Although I had made a commitment to myself to stay on the bike while in TX, it shames me to admit that my time in the saddle during those 5 months was absolutely pathetic.
Perhaps it was due to the 65 - 70 hour-long work weeks? Or maybe it was my a*!hole megalomaniac boss. My guess is that since the local trails there absolutely SUCKED, there was no real motivation to get out and ride. A road ride was absolutely out of the question, as the traffic out there is nothing short of a F*!king nightmare; I think they reward drivers who run over cyclists out there.
The weekend after returning to my home here in Palmetto, I immediately hit the trails. Alafia was my first ride, and man was it sweet to be back. I had lost my base fitness and also packed-on about 10 lbs (I didn't say the food was bad in Houston), so I had to work extra hard to keep up with my riding pals; the pain felt great!
Next, we hit Boyette. Man, do I love Boyette! It doesn't matter whether you're out for an early morning ride, a ride during the middle of the day, or a pre-sunset ride; the trails absolutely rock! To all my fellow SWAMPERS who have volunteered their time and have worked so hard to make Boyette such a sweet ride; "Much Love" and I promise to never take our local trails for granted again.

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